Goal #3: Sustain Our Mercy Mission

Gifts through annual giving address our greatest needs and enhance the academic and student experience. Annual gifts support financial aid, student life, campus improvements, and other mission-critical initiatives.
Annual gifts can be made to the GMercyU Fund, our unrestricted giving program that supports areas of greatest need, or an area of passion on campus such as a school or program.
Every gift of every size sustains our Mercy mission to make a difference in the lives of others.
Ways to Make an Impact
- Give online now. Make a one-time gift or set up easy monthly payments.
- Increase your impact through an employer-sponsored matching gift.
- Explore other ways to give immediately, including through a donor-advised fund, securities, or your retirement account here or email universityadvancement@51jiyangshi.com.
100% of full-time undergradate students
receive some form of financial aid (excludes second degrees)
96% of recent graduates
employed or in graduate school within six months (as of fall 2024)
58% of undergraduates
identify as the first in their family to go to college (as of fall 2024)
Planned Giving
Donors may honor their relationship with the university through estate and life-income gifts. Planned gifts grow our endowment resources, strengthen our financial stability and carry our Mercy mission forward.
Planned giving donors are recognized as members of the Mother Mary Bernard Graham Society.
This society honors the vision of Mother Mary Bernard, who purchased the land where Gwynedd Mercy is located with the dream of starting a college that provides access to higher education in a warm, welcoming and inclusive community where each student can learn and grow. Estate gifts can be designated to your area of passion at the university, such as academic programs and scholarships.

Why I Give: Read Inspiring Donor Stories
Help Us Sustain Our Mission
Include GMercyU in your will or living trust
Name GMercyU as a beneficiary of your retirement plan or life insurance plan
Already included GMercyU in your plans? Let us know so we can thank you and welcome you to the Mother Mary Bernard Graham Society!
Planned Giving Options Ways to Give Contact Us
See Goal #1: Fuel Healthcare Innovation
See Goal #2: Invest in Student Sucess